Quercus poems for children
Favourite poems by favourite poets |
Welcome to some great children's poetry. In fact great poetry for all the family. The high quality of the poems selected is sure to bring pleasure to children and adults alike.
Inside each of the books you will find old and new favourites from the best of children's poets: poems which appeal to all age groups, ideal for reading at home or in school. Remember "The Owl and the Pussy-cat"and "Puppy and I" - those enduring classics? What about Kit Wright's"Dad and the Cat and the Tree"?
There are many more treats in store. Some by Michael Rosen including "You Tell Me" his amusing poem about the football scores. Some by Christina Rossetti who provides gems such as "Hurt No Living Thing"and "In the Bleak Midwinter". Some by Eleanor Farjeon who gives us "Cats" (sleep anywhere!) and the wonderful story of "Mrs Malone". And each with their distinctive offerings are Allan Ahlberg, Charles Causley, Roger McGough and June Crebbin.
Here's the ending of Robert Frost's famous poem "The Road Not taken" from Book 4 of the poetry books:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference.
Attractively illustrated, and presented in a child-friendly way, the books will bring lasting pleasure and delight. June Crebbin, the well-known poet, says this about the collection:
“…delightful anthologies. I’m sure children will find each anthology a treasure trove, containing as they do, so many memorable poems on a wide variety of themes.”
For extracts click here and here to see the contents of each book. For a selection of some of the poems click here. Some examples of the notes that have been written to accompany the poems are included on the contents pages and these are available free on request.
There are 4 books in the series with poems having been chosen to suit the 7-11 age group particularly. They are ideal for meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum. The content of successive anthologies becomes gradually more demanding to match a child's age but there is nothing wrong whatsover in letting children enjoy easier poems. Book 1: Hurt No Living Thing; Book 2: Mrs Malone; Book 3: Stones by the Sea; Book 4: Something I Remember.
Velvet Shoes
Let us walk in the white snow
In a soundless space;
With footsteps quiet and slow,
At a tranquil pace,
Under veils of white lace.
I shall go shod in silk,
And you in wool,
White as a white cow’s milk,
More beautiful
Than the breast of a gull.
We shall walk through the still town
In a windless peace;
We shall step upon white down,
Upon silver fleece,
Upon softer than these.
We shall walk in velvet shoes:
Wherever we go
Silence will fall like dews
On white silence below.
We shall walk in the snow.
Elinor Wylie

Brent Knoll
This book is a celebration of a landmark seen by millions of people who travel through Somerset each year. Rising mysteriously from the flatness of the levels the hill offers a wealth of interest including stunning views from the summit, an Iron Age hillfort, two magnificent churches and a legend about King Arthur. All these features and many more are described in the absorbing and richly illustrated text.
The book will appeal to a wide range of readers especially those who live in this part of the West of England, those who are visiting the area and those who simply enjoy reading about the landscape, history and people of our country.
2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the Plowden Report, one of the most significant reports on education that has ever been produced. This short book examines the underlying philosophy of the Plowden movement and discusses its profound effect on the classroom.

Not everyone will agree with the views expressed but I hope my verdict on this exciting but ultimately flawed approach to education is fair. I believe the book, published to mark the 40th anniversary, makes a serious contribution to the ongoing debate about the future of primary education and I'm sure the issues it raises will be relevant for as long as children learn and teachers teach.

Forever Learning
We are forever learning - every day, all our lives. Each day we learn new things on the way to work, listening to what our children have been up to or by having a conversation with someone...